
Microsoft Office for iOS and Android May Arrive This Fall - behlerquied2000

Microsoft appears to be end in on a release of Microsoft Spot for both iOS and Android this fall, despite late denials.

The software is expected to be ready for a dismission in November, sources tell Son Genius Report. This would match up with a previous report from The Every day, which claimed to suffer seen a working image of Office on an iPad.

Microsoft was quick to deny, calling the report "inaccurate rumors and guess." Much for that: BGR's source claims that the Office they saw looked "almost identical" to a picture shown by The Regular, so maybe the folks in Redmond weren't entirely truthful.

At any rate, releasing a mobile variant of Federal agency for both Android and iOS makes a good deal of sense. Windows Phone is behind its larger competitors in terms of market share and, although Windows 8 is supposed to be pad of paper-sociable, on that point's no guarantee that those tablets leave be able to compete with the market-leading iPad.

Users Wishing Productivity Apps

If you need more evidence of the semipublic's desire for mobile Office, deal the top paid apps in the iTunes App Depot. In the Productivity category, Apple's Pages, Keynote, and Numbers racket apps are consistently in the list of top ten bestsellers, and have been since iWork for iPad's set in motion in Jan 2010. As of Wednesday evening, Pages was third, Keynote 9th, and Numbers is 11th in that family.

These apps serve their purpose, but are far from perfect. iWork does not natively save documents to Office formats, and its exportation function trips rising sometimes when it comes to formatting. Microsoft can obviously build better support for Office in its have productiveness suite than Apple could.

Microsoft is silent this time when asked about the rumors. While it was quick in February to deny, this time it declined to comment. That muteness speaks volumes about Redmond's future plans.

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